Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ATWOMIC : A Twitter Comic

Panel 1

Stewart K. Moore is a European actor, artist, and cartoonist. He's also known as @opipop, and he's got a web-friendly cartoon idea a-brewin'. #Atwomic is what he's named it. He gives a prompt for a panel every day, and we draw one panel every day. Then, he combines them all and shows us what makes all our different realities so wonderful.

I'm not giving it the proper explaination. He does it much more eloquently,...and with videos at his website, here. But what is really fun is that he's managing it all through Twitter . So it's fast, with a real sense of immediacy and interaction.

Panel 1 is shown above. It turned out to basically be one story arc over the week. Others will follow.....

Panel 2

Panel 3

Panel 4

Panel 5

Panel 6 *end*

As you can see this one had to end with a quote about the apocalypse in some way. I felt Charlie Sheen personified it at this exact moment and time in history. Bluster, horror,...and ultimately a let down.